Scott Rogers has authored four books, published numerous scientific, law, and psychological articles and chapters, and developed several DVD and CD teaching tools that introduce mindfulness to lawyers, law students, physicians, educators, and parents. Mindfulness for Law Students is being used in law schools across the country and Mindful Parenting was included in the 2007 Miami Book Fair and is found on reading lists for mindfulness workshops of parents.

Books, DVD's and CD's

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"This book is a one-of-a-kind resource, a precious gift. Enacting and embodying, even just a bit, what is offered here can have a profoundly positive effect on your own life, and also, inevitably, your impact in the world.’"— Jon Kabat Zinn

-Melvin Rubin, Mediation Teacher,
Founder, Mediation Services, Inc.
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"Scott Rogers integrates the wisdom of reflection, the beauty of nature, and the effectiveness of years of practical application, rolled into one beautiful book."

-Melvin Rubin, Mediation Teacher,
Founder, Mediation Services, Inc.

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"Scott's original methods of waking us up to the present moment are easy to understand and a delight to experience. The simplicity and power of his techniques make them all the more appealing to busy lawyers."

-Melvin Rubin, Mediation Teacher,
Founder, Mediation Services, Inc.

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Mindfulness for Law Students: Using the Power of Mindful Awareness to Achieve Balance and Success in Law School

"Scott Rogers offers an exceptionally creative approach to bringing mindfulness to the legal profession."

-Leonard Riskin
Chesterfield Smith Professor
University of Florida Levin School of Law

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Mindfulness & Professional Responsibility: A Guidebook for Integrating Mindfulness into the Law School Curriculum

"Rogers and Jocobowitz have skillfully tied together the principles of ethics, the practice of mindfulness, and the promise of science in this wonderful book. I am left wanting to take their course!"

-Amishi P. Jha, PhD
Neuroscientist and Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Miami

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Mindful Parenting: Meditations,
Verses &
Visualizations for a More Joyful Life

"By showing us how to use the powerful tools of mindfulness, meditation, and creative visualization, Scott Rogers has demystified the spiritual aspect of being a parent and opened the door to a more deeply aware and loving family life that many parents are currently seeking."

-Fred Eppsteiner, Editor, The Path of Compassion
Dharma teacher, Florida Community of Mindfulness

Publications and Columns


Denkova E., Barry, J., Zanesco A.P., Rooks, J., Rogers S.L. & Jha A.P., (2023) Online mindfulness training for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: a randomized controlled trial using a multi-method assessment approach. Aging and Mental Health.

Jha, A. P., Zanesco, A. P., Denkova, E., MacNaulty, W., & Rogers, S. L. (2022). The effects of mindfulness training on working memory performance in high-demand cohorts: a multi- study investigation. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 6 (2), 192-204.

Denkova, E., Alessio, C., Barry, J., Zanesco, A. P., Rogers, S. L., Matusevich, K., & Jha, A. P. (2022). Mindfulness training in organizational settings: An empirical look at the research. In L. Wilkin & Y. Pathak (Eds.), De Gruyter Handbook of Organizational Conflict Management (pp. 57-68). De Gruyter.

Denkova, E., Barry, J., Slavin, L., Zanesco, A. P., Rogers, S. L., Jha, A. P. (2021) Investigating the Feasibility and Preliminary Efficacy of Peer-to-Peer Delivery of Mindfulness Training on Cognitive Abilities, Psychological Health, and Well-Being.

Nassif, T., Adrian, A., Gutierrez, I., Dixon, A., Rogers, S., Jha, A. & Adler, A. (2021). Optimizing Performance and Mental Skills With Mindfulness-Based Attention Training: Two Field Studies With Operational Units. Military Medicine.

Jha, A. P., Zanesco, A. P., Denkova, E., MacNulty, W., & Rogers., S. L. (2021). The effects of mindfulness training on working memory performance in high-demand cohorts: a multi-study investigation. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement.

Denkova, E., Barry, J., Slavin, L., Zanesco, A. P., Rogers, S. L., & Jha, A. P. (2021). Investigating the impact of peer-trainer delivered mindfulness training on cognitive abilities and psychological health. Mindfulness, 12, 2645–2661.

Denkova E., Zanesco A.P., Rogers S.L. & Jha A.P. (2020). Is Resilience Trainable? An Initial Study Comparing Mindfulness and Relaxation Training in Firefighters. Psychiatry Research, 285, 1-8.

Denkova, E., Zanesco, A. P., Morrison, A. B., Rooks, J., Rogers, S. L., & Jha, A. P. (2020). Strengthening attention with mindfulness training in workplace settings. In D. J. Siegel & M. F. Solomon (Eds.), Mind, Consciousness, and Well-Being.

Jha A. P., Zanesco A. P., Denkova E., Morrison A. B., Ramos N., Chichester K., Gaddy J., & Rogers S. (2020). Bolstering cognitive resilience via train-the-trainer delivery of mindfulness training in applied high-demand settings. Mindfulness, 11:683-697

Jha, A., & Rogers, S., (2019) The Science of Mindfulenss and the Practice of Law, 36(3) ABA GP Solo 32.

Jha, A.P., Denkova, E., Zanesko, A. B., Witkin, J.E., Rooks, J., & Rogers, S. L., (2019). Does Mindfulness Training Help Working Memory “Work” Better? Current Opinion in Psychology.

Jha A. P., Zanesco A. P., Denkova E., Morrison A. B., Ramos N., Chichester K., Gaddy J., & Rogers S. (2019). Bolstering Cognitive Resilience via Train-the-Trainer Delivery of Mindfulness Training in Applied High-Demand Settings. Mindfulness.

Jha, A. P., Rogers, S. L., Schoomaker, E., & Cardon, E. (2019). Deploying Mindfulness to Gain Cognitive Advantage: Considerations for Military Effectiveness and Well-being. NATO Science and Technology Conference Proceedings, pp 1-14.

Zanesco, A. P., Denkova, E., Rogers, S. L., MacNulty, W. K., Jha, A. P., (2018). Mindfulness training as cognitive training in high-demand cohorts: an initial study in elite military servicemembers. Progress in Brain Research.

Rooks, J., Morrison, A. B., Goolsarran, M., Rogers, S. L., & Jha, A. P. (2017).
"We Are Talking About Practice”: The influence of mindfulness vs. relaxation training on athletes’ attention and well-being over high-demand intervals. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 1(2), 141-153.

Sanko, J., MacKay, M., & Rogers, S., (2016).
Exploring the impact of mindfulness meditation training in pre-licensure and post graduate nurses, in Nurses Educ. Today. 45:142-7.

Morrison, A., Goolsarran, M., Rogers, S. & Jha, A. (2014)
Taming a Wandering Attention: Short-Form Mindfulness Training in Student Cohorts, in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Jha, A., Rogers, S., & Morrison, A. (2013).
Mindfulness training in high stress professions: Strengthening attention & resilience. In R. Baer (Ed.), Mindfulness-based treatment approaches: A clinician’s guide (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Elsevier.

Rogers, S.L. (2009b
).  A context-contoured approach to mindfulness training:  Enhancing accessibility by ‘speaking their language’.  Presentation at Center for Mindfulness 7th Annual International Scientific Conference for Clinicians, Researchers, and Educators.

Rogers, S.L. (2008).
The hand-dial: An interpersonal neurobiology application for teaching mindfulness to lawyers, 2008 Interpersonal Neurobiology Session with Daniel Siegel’s Mindsight Institute, (Paper on file with author and podcast available on iTunes). 

Alicke, M., Weigiold, M. & Rogers, S. (1991).
Inferring Intentions and Responsibility From Motives and Outcomes: Evidential and Extra-Evidential Judgments, 8 Soc. Cog. 286.

Lassiter, D., Stone, J., & Rogers, S. (1988). Memorial Consequences of Variation in Behavior Perception, 24(3) J. Exp. Soc. Psych. 222.

Rogers, S.L., McAliley, C., & Jha, A.P. (2018). Mindfulness training for judges: mind wandering and the development of cognitive resilience. Court Review, Vol 54, pp 80-89.

Rogers, S.,
Mindfulness and the Importance of Practice (April 2016). 90 (4) Fla. B. J.

Rogers, S.,
The Role of Mindfulness in the Ongoing Evolution of Legal Education, (2015). 36 U. Ark. Little Rock L. Rev. 227.

Rogers, S.,
What Do We Want: Mindfulness in Law, (2015). Louisiana State Bar Journal, 268.

Rogers, S., & Jacobowitz, J. Mindful Ethics and the Cultivation of Concentration, (2015). 15
Nev. L. J. 730.

Rogers, S.,
Mindfulness in Law (2014). In "The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Mindfulness," Amanda Ie, Christelle Ngogumen & Ellen Langer, Editors. (Wiley-Blackwell). 

Rogers, S., (2013, November)
Mindfulness Joint Task Force Holds First Mindfulness Workshop, The Dade County Bar Association Bulletin. p. 2.

Rogers, S., (2012)
The Mindful Law School: An Integrative Approach to Transforming Legal Education 28 Touro L. Rev. 1189.

Rogers, S., (2012, March)
Mindfulness Matters, The Dade County Bar Association Bulletin, pp. 1-2

Rogers, S., (2011).
Stop, Look & Listen—Regain Your Focus Through Mindfulness, ABA: The Young Lawyer, 15(4). 

Rogers, S., (2011, November) 
Mindfulness Matters, The Dade County Bar Association Bulletin, pp. 1-3 

Rogers, S.L. (2009a).  
Mindfulness for Law Students: Using the Power of Mindful Awareness to Achieve Balance and Success in Law School (Mindful Living Press).
Rogers, S.L. (2009c).
The Six-Minute Solution: A Mindfulness Primer for Lawyers (Mindful Living Press).

Rogers , S.L. (2007).  
Mindfulness, Balance & The Lawyer's Brain Florida CLE Training Handbook and CD Set.

Rogers, S., (Winter 2013)
Mindful Leadership, The Mobius Strip – A Publication for Leadership Professionals, pp. 104-106.

Rogers, S.L., (2005). Mindful Parenting: Meditations, Verses & Visualizations for a More Joyful Life
Florida Bar News, "The Mindful Lawyer"

ABA GP Solo, "Mindfulness 101"